Healthcare should be available to everyone. It is our goal that anyone who comes to Stillwater in search of support will be able to receive it. Our current paradigm creates a challenge with the expense of medical education and running small business and private practice for long term sustainability along side our desire to offer services to everyone.
Giving the Gift of Health
If you wish to contribute to our ability to offer free and reduced rate healthcare services to those in our community, please consider donating. You can do a one-time donation, donate an annual membership plan, services from your membership plan or adding a small amount to your monthly membership payment as a donation.
Donation Examples:
Personal Gift Certificates: share the Stillwater Healthcare experience with someone you love with a gift certificate toward specific or general services of any value.
- Donating $35. per month provides 1 individual with a basic care plan for no cost.
- Donating $300. per month can provide someone who has lost their ability to work due to severe health issue such as an injury, autoimmune disease like MS or an advanced cancer to receive weekly services for a year.
- Ten people donating $5. per month allows for one person to receive intensive 12 week therapy sessions for mental health and/or addiction treatment
- Infrared sauna – donating 2 of your infrared sauna visits from a current membership can allow for patients treating cancer and other advanced diseases to receive more frequent visits for the incredible detoxification benefits of the sauna.
Donation Based Events:
Intermittently we will host events open to the public and request donations to attendees that will be used to fund our Angel Medicine program. Please help spread the word and help us expand our reach bringing integrative medicine to individuals in our community!
If you are interested in donating services, please contact us today. You can either give for specific individuals to receive care or give to our general fund. Thank you!
